Monday 30 November 2015

Assignment 6 - What is Identity and Why Does it Matter?

For my two thousand word essay I want to write about identity. That is what all my assignment work has been about so the subject seems appropriate. Identity covers such a large subject area though, the danger is I will attempt to cover too much. With only 2,000 words I will have to keep my eye on that. I have loads of reading to do. I've collected a large pile of books on identity. Some of them are part of the reading list for Sociology courses and really interesting. I've also jotted down a number of photographers that make work on the subject as I've come across them. Most of the topics and discussion is all still in my head at the moment. I need to start making lots of notes.

Nov 2nd:
Two weeks of reading and research has meant that I'm finally at a point where I can start to collate all my notes and write my essay. This is the hard bit; looking at a blank screen and wondering where to start. I tend to overcome this problem by launching straight in. No introduction, just get words and thoughts down with little thought to structure. Only when I have a flow of ideas put down do I begin to see the structure - choose which bits of detail I want to expand or leave out. Once that is in place I can think about writing my introduction.

So here goes!

Nov 6th:

I've completed a rough first draft. I think most of my points are covered. My conclusion needs a lot of work. It's not really a conclusion in the proper sense.  It feels good to get to this stage though. At least I have some words on paper!

Nov 8th:

I've launched into writing my second draft. I needed to expand some of my points. That meant some of the other sections had to go to keep the essay within the word limit. My conclusion in particular needs to be written again.

Nov 15th:

As well as more research for relevant quotes I've now got to a stage where I have a third draft. I've edited and refined my essay and it is just a few words over the limit. We are allowed 10% either way so it's all good. I had to lose some sections in order to write more about my own work on identity and placing that in context. I think this makes sense. To be honest I could have done with double the word limit to make all the points I wanted to. I probably picked a topic that is a bit too big for this essay - but it was important to me to write about it.

Nov 23rd:

I think it's ready! I've sat on it for a couple of days, done some tweaking, and then passed the essay over to my partner for a read. The course notes recommend giving it to someone else to read rather than relying on your own eyes to find all the typos etc. The essay needs to be understandable and only by giving it to someone else can the writer find out if what's written is in fact intelligible or incoherent.

Nov 25th:

I am so glad that I ensure my reference list is compiled as I go. As soon as I cite, I then do the full reference entry. Occasionally I just put the words 'CITE' in bold by a paragraph; but only if I don't have the immediate quote to hand or know that one is required. I wouldn't want to tangle with an essay full of quotes all in one go at the end.


Finished! At least, it's sent off to my tutor. I'll most likely have changes to make. It feels good to have finished my final assignment of level 2. Now my thoughts are turning to amendments for assessment. All five assignments need amendments and I haven't finished any of them. I have a big task ahead over the next few months to prepare.

Mar 29th:

Since my last entry on this post my focus has been to amend and update all of the previous assignments. It was a long slog to get them ready for assessment but I'm on the home stretch now.  That just leaves the amendments to this one to complete. I had my tutor report back ages ago. On the whole Simon said that it was a good essay. His comments (he said) were made in order to improve it. I'm going to spend the morning re-reading his report and then think about the changes I want to make.

In just a few days we will be into April. I have a month to make final tweaks, collate all my learning material together, and be ready for the mid May posting deadline.

So after re-reading my essay and tutor report I've made some notes to help me approach my essay revision:

  • Essay needs to be rebalanced. Take out some of the discussion on the nature of identity. Increase the part that photography can play in forging perceptions and acceptance of new identities. Express my own views on my work. Expand analysis of Rubber Flapper
  • Alter introduction so that it better fits the conclusion.
  • Tighten up the language. Make clear statements of fact/opinion.
  • Mention Maria Kapajeva. Discuss the nuances between her own and the work of Nikki S Lee.
  •  Zanelle Muholi. Write more about her work and how it addresses the issues of identity that I've raised.
Thankfully I am just at the word limit of my essay. I have 10% wiggle room to go over the word count to cover some of the points mentioned. I'm not sure how well I'll be able to address all these points as the topic is so complex that I feel some introductory explanation is required. I would need an essay double the word count to accommodate all the points and keep my vital discussion intact. I will try to cut it down a bit as best I can.    

Mar 31st:

Today I did some more research on a couple of the photographers mentioned by my tutor and have amended my essay in the light of that. I've also expanded the explanation on my Rubber Flapper work to more accurately encompass my essay theme of identity.  I made some sentences clearer as mentioned in the tutor report. On the whole this re-balances the essay in the way my tutor has highlighted. I think I'm pretty much done now.