Tuesday 3 February 2015

Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics - Bell Hooks

Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics

I'd definitely recommend this book as a good way to get a grasp on the basic concepts of Feminism. A lot of people think they know what Feminism is - especially its detractors. Hooks argues that their view comes via the patriarchal mass media and is biased. The book explains how the movement has been influenced and changed over time and charts that history. The issues discussed around sexism, class, race, sexuality are done so without resorting to an overly complicated academic language.

Before reading this book I was unaware how much the different factions have split and changed the Feminist movement. How the white-supremacist and patriarchal mass media have made sure that Feminism has been thoroughly vilified and held in disdain by the majority public - with a little help from an elite set of educated women that have used Feminism to bolster their own power and class status, whilst leaving behind many of the women that needed a voice the most.

What I took from reading this book is that if you believe in equality for all then you are a Feminist. Feminism is not just about women's issues but a critique of the whole patriarchal system and how it suppresses both men and women. How some women (because they are brought up in the system) can be thoroughly patriarchal and just as damaging to the Feminist cause too.

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